Wake up & Try SMB!

21 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) Chromatography is increasingly applied as a separation technique across many industries. SMB is a method in process chromatography that enables substance mixtures to be continuously separated and extracted into two fractions. Knauer offers SMB systems and have recently appointed Presearch as a UK distributor.

The patented multi-port valve with 64ports guarantees a compact design that maintains an incredibly small total dead volume. The SMB_Guide® will help you to get your SMB system up and running in the shortest amount of time and will assist you thoroughly in understanding the inner process of a SMB system.

Advantages of SMB technology compared to classical batch chromatography:

  • Higher productivity
  • A 90% reduction in the demand for solvent due to solvent recycling
  • High plate counts or particle sizes are no longer required, reducing packing material costs by 80%
  • Extract and raffinate are removed in high concentration, which makes it easier to expel solvent
  • The patented multi-function valve enables an extremely small dead-volume

For more information about the Knauer SMB System please contact us on 01462 442424 or click 'request more info'.

