Watch highlights from the Virtual Microbiology & Infectious Disease Summit 2022
Catch up on talks led by world-class clinicians and scientists on the latest research, top techniques, and innovative technology
22 May 2022

Scientists and healthcare professionals from across the globe connected with world-class speakers and leading manufacturers at the SelectScience® Virtual Microbiology & Infectious Disease Summit 2022. The summit provided an opportunity for clinicians and scientists to showcase their research and share technology solutions in a range of topics in the field of microbiology and infectious disease. Highlights include presentations on the latest advances in clinical diagnostics, and leading areas of healthcare research including meningitis, sepsis, malaria, COVID-19, the microbiome, and more.
The free-to-attend SelectScience Virtual Summits offer the opportunity to bring together thousands of scientists and healthcare professionals from across the globe to explore major developments in the field. The platform featured renowned speakers including the clinicians working in acute care settings, interactive booths, resource hubs from leading brands, and opportunities for scientists and manufacturers to engage in open discussion.
Scientists were also invited to take part in the event by submitting a poster or abstract of their latest research to be showcased in the poster hall feature. Attendees were able to view academic posters submitted by our global scientific community, leave comments, and ask questions.
The summit hosted 18 guest speakers who presented 14 fascinating talks, which are now available to watch on demand. Talks include:
- Keynote: Brain fever: How vaccines prevent meningitis and other killer diseases
Professor Richard Moxon, University of Oxford - A need for action - community and scientists working together towards controlling infectious diseases
Asha Wijengunawardana, Senior Lecturer, Rajarate University of Sri Lanka - Big data and biomarkers are improving sepsis patient outcomes
Dr. Ron Daniels, NHS Intensive Care Consultant, UK Sepsis Trust - Strategies for simplifying viral vaccine and biotherapeutic discovery
David Apiyo, Ph.D., Senior Manager, Octet Applications, Sartorius and Allan Schell, Field Application Scientist Manager, Sartorius - Tackling malaria with genetically modified mosquitoes
Dr. Federica Bernardini, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Imperial College London - Speeding up infectious diseases diagnostics during a global outbreak
Gabriel Stiebellehner, Deputy Head of Department, Molecular Disease Diagnostics, Labor Dr. Fenner & Kollegen - Driving antimicrobial treatment by resistance markers in gram-negatives
Dr. Jose Alexander, AdventHealth Orlando - Current Challenges and Quality Controls in Clinical Microbiome Research
Dr. Raul Cano, The BioCollective
Access these talks and several more, along with posters, exhibits, product launches, and other resources:

A number of leading manufacturers showcased their latest technologies available in the field, including Sartorius, Beckman Coulter, BioEcho, New England Biolabs, and Molzym. Attendees were also able to collect a virtual swag bag of useful resources completely free of charge — these are also available on demand in the event hall, for a limited time only. Downloadable resources from the summit include:
- Infective Endocarditis – Value of 16S/18S Broad-Range rDNA Diagnosis of Pathogens
- MolYsis™ Host DNA Depletion for Deeper Microbiome and Metagenome Analysis
- Balancing the dangers of sepsis and antimicrobial resistance
- Considerations when developing diagnostic assays using leading-edge technologies
- SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing in 70 minutes