Watch highlights from the Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021

Talks from world-leading scientists in the field of neuroscience now available on demand

6 Oct 2021
Ellie Abbott
Neuroscience summit 2021
Explore the latest neuroscience research and techniques here

Scientists from across the globe connected with world-class speakers and leading manufacturers online to explore the latest tools, technologies and research in the field of neuroscience.

Following the success of last year's inaugural Neuroscience Summit, the Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021 showcased hot topics including Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, spatial and cellular genomics, single-cell characterization, and more.

The SelectScience Virtual Summits offer scientists the opportunity to bring together thousands of scientists from across the globe to explore major developments in the field. The platform featured renowned speakers, interactive booths, resource hubs from leading brands, and opportunities to network. In addition, this year scientists were invited to take part in the event by submitting a poster or abstract of their latest neuroscience research to be showcased in the new poster hall feature.

Summit speaker, Prof. Jonathan Sweedler, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, described why events like this are so important: “While traveling to meetings is more problematic this year due to the pandemic, attending meetings has always been an effective way to learn about the latest advances; the Virtual Neuroscience Summit is well suited to our virtual world and is a great way to stay current.”

A total of seven compelling presentations each drew in large crowds of live attendees, as did the new poster hall feature.

Just a few of the talks now available to watch on demand include:

  • Keynote: How enlightenment changes your brain - Dr. Andrew Newberg, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Mapping human tissue architecture using spatial genomics - Dr. Omer Bayraktar, Wellcome Sanger Institute
  • Why do neurons have primary cilia? - Prof. Jannon Fuchs, University of North Texas
  • The single-cell chemical characterization of the brain - Prof. Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Alzheimer's biomarker detection using graphene sensors - Dr. Shakil Awan, University of Plymouth
Neuroscience summit speakers
Summit speakers (l-r): Dr. Omer Bayraktar, Prof. Jannon Fuchs, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Dr. Vikramsingh Gujar, Prof. Jonathan Sweedler, Dr. Shakil Awan, Dr. Andreas Langer

A number of leading manufacturers also showcased their latest technologies available in the field, including ACD, Abcam, NanoTemper technologies, and CoolLED. All presentations and resources are now available on demand.

The Virtual Summit also featured live Q&A sessions and a SelectScience reviews booth, which enabled two-way communication between visitors, speakers, and manufacturers. The Scientists’ Channel booth also proved popular, showcasing video interviews with leading scientists across the globe.

Feedback from attendees was excellent. Nazanin Mohammad Rezaii, from Amirkabir University of Technology, said: "I wanted to thank you for the perfect presentations and the perfect webpage design. It is by far one of the greatest virtual events I have ever attended."

Attendees were able to collect a virtual swag bag of useful resources completely free of charge. These are also available on demand in the event hall.

Neuroscience summit speakers
New feature: A selection of posters submitted to the Neuroscience Summit on display at the poster hall

Missed the live event? Don’t worry – all presentations are now available to view on demand>>

