Waters Continues Its 20-Year Commitment with Enhancements to Mass Spectrometry Detection for Chromatographers

New Release Adds Improved Mass Data Quality and Peak Tracking Capabilities

9 Mar 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

Waters Corporation announced the latest feature release of Empower® 3 chromatography data software.

Expanding on its 20 years of mass spectrometry (MS) data acquisition and processing, Empower 3 Feature Release 3 (FR3) adds peak tracking by assigned mass to the long list of Empower software features. The use of mass data in combination with UV data allows the analyst to more accurately identify peaks, but retains the more familiar look of UV chromatograms.

Instrument method conditions change as part of the method development process; as a result, the individual peaks can move and change position. The use of the peak tracking tool in Empower 3 (FR3) software will enable the analyst to identify each peak by its mass and allow them to track each peak from one injection to the next.

"As more laboratories take advantage of the power and accessibility of new mass detectors like the ACQUITY® QDa® detector, this exposes the need for chromatographer-friendly interfaces that deliver the additional information in a way that is easy to build into their workflow – mass assignment and peak tracking capabilities within the Empower Report Publisher are enhanced in Empower 3 FR3, further opening the door to better decisions and generating immediate value for chromatographers," said Andy Craze, Senior Director, Informatics Marketing & Business Development.

In addition, Empower 3 FR3 allows for improved harmonization of business processes. More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of Empower Enterprise software and consolidating their personal Empower software installations, or smaller lab wide or site wide Empower Enterprise software, into large enterprise installations that provide Empower software access across different cities, countries and continents. This latest release adds the ability to assign 'location' to users, instruments and workstations, enabling better asset utilization assessment and traceability for system administrators and business managers.

"The drives for improved data integrity and business productivity are both key factors we focused on for the latest release of our Empower software," Craze added.

