Waters Presents Advanced Technologies for Cancer Metabolism Researchers at AACR

Booth #3307

27 Mar 2017
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Waters Corporation will be showcasing a number of advanced technologies that biomedical researchers need to characterize and help better understand cancer metabolism. At booth #3307, the company will provide details about their analytical solutions for omics discovery, biomarker translation, molecular visualization, and the analysis of antibody drug conjugates.

In addition, Waters will be presenting four posters, two jointly with key collaborators, on molecular visualization and glycomics.

Poster Presentations

  • Automated, high throughput mass spectrometry imaging of serial sections applied to the investigation of tumour heterogeneity in three dimensions, #203, Sunday PM.
  • Rapid Detection of Necrosis in Breast Cancer with Ex vivo and In situ Mass Spectrometry Analysis Methods, #741, Sunday PM.
  • Ion mobility separation of N-Glycans directly from FFPE colon cancer tissue section in MALDI imaging experiment, #4642, Tuesday PM.
  • New Technologies to Probe the Systems Glycobiology of Cancer, #5544, Wednesday AM.

Waters’ Molecular Visualization tools measure the spatial distribution of molecules, without the need for labelled probes, and can maximize information from tissue samples to elucidate morphology, biomarkers, drugs and metabolites. They will also feature protein and metabolite biomarker verification and validation tools that can accelerate cancer research and minimize analytical variability for consistent, reproducible results that can accelerate decision timelines.

