Webinar about Sequence Capture for NGS

23 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

The febit Product Lounge presents a Webinar entitled: The Power to Detect: HybSelect for Targeted Sequence Capture.

Declining costs and dramatically higher sequencing output has distinguished the fast-paced genomics market since 2003. Sequencing a human genome, a project that required years and billions of USD, is now feasible in weeks for thousands of USD. Nevertheless, conducting statistically relevant biomedical studies with deep sequencing of patient samples is still prohibitively expensive and inefficient. HybSelect effectively scales next generation sequencing to the needs of biomedical research and discovery by enabling large scale studies.

The Power to Detect: HybSelect for Targeted Sequence Capture

Presenter: Jack T. Leonard, Ph.D., Vice President of Technology Commercialization, febit inc., Lexington, MA (USA)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

11:00 a.m. EDT / 4:00 p.m. CET

To Log-in to the webinar follow the company articel webpage link on the right hand side of the screen.


The proliferation of Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) platforms has increased DNA sequencing throughput by orders of magnitude, however, it still takes months and several hundreds of thousands of dollars to finish a typical mammalian-sized genome at a reasonable depth of coverage. Certain “high value” regions of the genome have been associated with certain disease states, phenotypic traits, or responses to drug treatment or other environmental stimuli. Targeted re-sequencing of genomes can identify variants faster and at a much lower cost than whole genome sequencing. Genomic hot-spots ranging between tens and thousands of kilobases are excellent targets for HybSelect, a new automated microfluidic solution for sequence-specific capture from febit. Integrated HybSelect automation allows walk-away convenience and only requires 30 minutes of hands-on time, offering the simplest targeted sequence capture method available. In this webinar, we will describe the HybSelect workflow and typical results where one thousand 500 bp regions with a centrally located SNP were captured from a reference sample. After NGS, the average depth of coverage for the individual 500 bp regions was 469-fold. 91.2% of the 1000 SNP positions were covered at ≥20x, and 99% of those were concordant with the reference sequence as is consistent with baseline Illumina NGS SNP calling accuracy. Importantly, 98.1% of the heterozygous SNP positions were detected and called correctly with no evidence of allelic bias. We will also describe the results with our new catalogue 2 Mb Cancer Exon Biochip, and share our anticipated improvements for HybSelect over the next 12 months, including expanding the capacity to 30 Mb per array, sufficient to capture eight human exome equivalents per Biochip at high depth of coverage.

