Webinar Highlights, Parts One to Four: Technology Accelerating Biopharma: Complete Workflow Solutions in Biopharmaceutical Discovery and Development

Read highlights from all four sessions of this exciting webinar series

1 Feb 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Protein biopharmaceuticals are being developed at an explosive rate and have attracted great interest from both smaller biotech firms and big pharma. But discovery and development of biopharmaceuticals is difficult. There are many challenges, and scientists must not only stay abreast of advances in knowledge and improvements in technology, but also navigate the maze of shifting government regulations. Making good decisions fast is critical.

In this two-day webinar events series, industry experts from Agilent Technologies discussed native protein characterization, LC/MS workflows and much more.

Part one: LC/MS Workflows for Biosimilars & Antibody Drug Conjugates and Solutions for the Core and Protein Laboratory: MassHunter Walkup

Read highlights of part one, or watch on-demand

Part two: Native Protein Characterization Using the Agilent 6560 Ion Mobility Q-TOF and Enhanced Software Tools for Biopharma Analysis

Read highlights of part two, or watch on-demand

Part three: Automated Sample Prep for Biopharmaceutical Analysis

Read highlights of part three, or watch on-demand

Part four: Identifying Released Glycans in a HILIC-FLR-MS Workflow Using Free Software Tools and Enabling Mass Measurement from Bioseparations: A HIC/RP Multiple Heart-cutting 2D- LC/MS Platform

Read highlights of part four, or watch on-demand

