Website allows flow cytometrists to try before they buy

28 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

By visiting Applied Cytometry’s newly launched web site (at the Article Webpage) users of flow cytometry systems can now see for themselves how the company’s latest STarStation and VenturiOne™ software can help them streamline their procedures and explore the true potential of their data.

Furthermore, potential purchasers can use the new website to ‘try before they buy’ by requesting 30-day free trials of the company’s software, and will soon be able to order it directly, online.

By assessing an on-line video tutorial, visitors can instantly see how the innovative thinking behind STarStation V3.0 for the Luminex®’s 100™ and 200™ multiplex assay detection systems can help them speed up and improve their assay preparation by using magnetic rather than vacuum separation of the microspheres.

There are also descriptions of how VenturiOne™ allows them to analyse their data up to ten times faster and work with even the largest datasets.

The launch of the new Applied Cytometry website reflects the company’s shift in focus from being merely a supplier to a leading flow cytometer manufacturers to becoming, additionally, an innovative software developer in its own right. This new positioning, and the revised branding that accompanies this, puts Applied Cytometry at the forefront of the market for high performance flow cytometry analysis software. With VenturiOneTM, this is achieved by harnessing the company’s proprietary multicore 32- and 64-bit processor technology, which greatly reduces analysis times and speeds throughput.

Commenting on the launch of the new website and the company repositioning, Dr Tracey Long, Marketing Manager, said, “The clean and fresh format of the site allows visitors to be directed instantly to the information they require, cutting unnecessary click-throughs and streamlining their visit.”

