West Wales Chooses Sysmex CA1500

24 Aug 2006

The Sysmex CA1500 automated blood coagulation analysers recently installed at the West Wales General Hospital, Carmarthen, and the Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli, use clotting, chromogenic and immunological detection technologies to guarantee accurate test results and improve laboratory workflow.

“Having used the CA1000 coagulometer for 5 years prior to our last instrument, we had experienced the reliability of the systems and also realised that the cap-piercing facility was an important feature we wished to return to. As well as saving time, it was also considered an important health and safety feature”, explained Haematology Laboratory Manager Dr Glan Rees. It has allowed them to perform specialised tests, for example for thrombophilia, without compromising any of the routine and urgent work.

Two CA1500 coagulometers have been set up identically in both laboratories within Carmarthenshire NHS Trust, which has improved the efficiency and turnaround times of the coagulation sections. Approximately 115,000 routine and 1500 specialised coagulation tests are performed per annumacross the Trust.The return to a completely random-access working pattern has meant batching of the routine work is no longer required.

“The introduction of the new systems into the laboratories was extremely easy with minimal disruption to the service. As well our staff being familiar with the Sysmex technology, we also found the company to have a very professional approach and extremely capable, helpful and friendly staff”, Dr Rees added.

With a throughput of 120 tests per hour for Prothrombin Time (PT) and approximately 80 per hour for multiple assays, the CA1500 allows random-access testing and walk-away automation to reduce hands-on operator time. Like all analysers in the CA-series, open and closed primary tubes can be directly loaded onto the Cap Piercing (CP) autosampler to improve both efficiency and safety.
