What to Look Out for at ASMS 2015

Discover highlights from the exhibition and technical program to help you make the most of your time at the meeting

28 May 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, St Louis, USA

Discover highlights from the exhibition and technical program to help you make the most of your time at the meeting. PLUS, visit our dedicated ASMS page to keep up-to-date on all the latest news, video interviews and applications from the meeting.

Products to look out for:

Waters to Highlight Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging System

Thermo Fisher Scientific to Launch SMART Digest Kit

Sage Science to Showcase SageELF Proteomic Tool

Bruker to Host a Series of 'Omics' Workshops

Discover Dried Blood Spot Analysis using Shimadzu's LC-MS/MS

SelectScience Media Coverage of ASMS

Don't Miss These Events

  • Distinguished Lecture: The Human Gut Microbiome and Healthy Growth, Jeffrey L. Gordon, Washington University, USA, Sunday, May 31, 6:45pm, Hall 5, Level 1
  • Tutorial: Metabolite Profiling at the ‘Omic’ Scale - Untargeted Does not Mean Unplanned, Gary Patti, Washington University, USA, Sunday, May 31, 5:00pm, Hall 5, Level 1
  • Award Lecture: Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry, Brian T. Chait, The Rockefeller University, USA, Monday, June 1, 4:45pm, Hall 5, Level 1
  • Workshop: Metabolomics - Emerging Technologies for Continued Innovation Metabolomics Interest Group, Sunia Trauger and Andrew Patterson, Monday, June 1, 5:45pm, Ballroom 222/224
  • Award Lecture: Biemann Medal, Michael J. MacCoss, University of Washington, USA Tuesday, July 2, 4:45pm, Hall 5, Level 1
  • Plenary Lecture: The Evolution of Modern Neurosurgery: A History of Trial and Error, Success and Failure, G. Michael Lemole, Jr., The University of Arizona College of Medicine, USA, Thursday, July 4, 4:45pm, Hall 5, Level 1

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