Which BioLector microbioreactor modules are best for your applications?

Answer 10 quick questions to discover the most suitable modules to add to your microbioreactor

24 Feb 2023
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor


Learn more about the BioLector XT microbioreactor and the versatile additional modules offered by Beckman Coulter Life Sciences:

BioLector XT Microbioreactor

BioLector XT Microbioreactor

A high-throughput microbioreactor designed to enable real-time evaluation of biomass, fluorescence, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) in the liquid phase, and other key cultivation parameters for aerobes and anaerobes.

Learn more Request pricing

Microfluidic (MF) module

Microfluidic (MF) module

Run up to 32 highly flexible, pH-controlled, fed-batch cultivations in microscale during one cultivation experiment run.

Learn more Request pricing O2 up-regulation module

O2 up-regulation module

Continuously measure the oxygen level of the supplied gas mixture and automatically regulate the flow of O2 into the chamber.

Learn more Request pricing O2 down-regulation module

O2 down-regulation module

Continuously measure the oxygen level of the supplied gas mixture and automatically regulate the flow of nitrogen into the chamber to reduce the O2 share for oxygen-sensitive microorganisms.

Learn more Request pricing Anaerobic cultivation module

BHQnova probes

Enable strict anaerobic fermentation processes under the exclusion of oxygen.

Learn more Request pricing CO2 up-regulation module

CO2 up-regulation module

Have carbon dioxide mixed into the gas atmosphere, which may be required for certain bacterial or algae and plant cell cultures.

Learn more Request pricing Light array module (LAM)

Light array module (LAM)

Accelerate biomass, fluorescence, and chlorophyll evaluation of diverse micro algae and cyanobacteria in milliliter-scale.

Learn more Request pricing LED filter modules

LED filter modules

Discover a range of LED filter modules that are designed to enable the BioLector XT microbioreactor to measure additional fluorescences.

Learn more Request pricingFind out more about the additional modules available here >>

