Whitehouse Scientific Celebrating 25 Successful Years With First Range of Opaque Standards

17 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Celebrating its silver anniversary, Whitehouse Scientific has been producing and certifying glass microspheres for 25 years, establishing itself as the premiere laboratory for glass reference standards.

Over 1 million single-shot bottles have been produced, which minimise operator bias and guarantee repeatable particle size analyses in critical applications.

Whitehouse Scientific has also developed a new method of pore size analysis in filter media, measuring sizes from 5-1000 microns. Where filter efficiencies are required, maximum pore sizes down to 3 microns can be determined.

All the standards, whether used for size calibration or pore size determination are NIST traceable.

To further commemorate the silver anniversary, Whitehouse Scientific is launching its first range of opaque standards, glass beads coated in silver. A Shape Standard is also in production. Progress on these exciting new products will feature on the company website, accessible from the Article webpage.

