Whitehouse Scientific to launch extended range of monodisperse glass microspheres at Analytica 2006

28 Feb 2006

In response to an increasing demand for robust and stable particle size standards, Whitehouse Scientific has extended its range of Monospheres down to a size of 9 microns.

The company now provides more than 50 monodisperse glass microsphere standards, up to a maximum of 5 mm. The standards are suitable for calibrating all particle sizing instruments from image analysers to laser diffraction systems.

These particle size standards have an exceptionally narrow size distribution. As well as for particle size analysis, they are used in a number of other applications including absolute calibration of filter media, micro engineering and precision spacers, and cosmic dust simulation.

The glass beads are sorted by shape as well as size to ensure high sphericity, and are supplied with NIST traceable certificates. A major advantage of these beads compared with latex standards is that they are available as dry powders. As a result they are highly stable in all conditions of temperature and relative humidity.

