Wide-ranging participation in FACSS 2007 for Malvern<sup>®</sup> Instruments’ chemical imaging team

4 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

As a leader in the field of near infrared chemical imaging, Malvern® Instruments is an active participant in this year’s Federation of Chemical and Spectroscopy Societies annual meeting, FACSS 2007 (14-18 Oct 2007, Memphis TN, USA).

Members of Malvern’s chemical imaging team will give papers, and are involved in running courses and a workshop on analytical chemical imaging, as well as participating in an ASTM sub-committee meeting. Malvern Instruments will also exhibit its SyNIRgi™ chemical imaging system in the trade show that accompanies the conference.

The presentation by Dr E. Neil Lewis within a session on NIR will cover: Approaches for Measuring the Micro and Macro Chemical and Physical Heterogeneity of Pharmaceutical Products and Their Intermediates. His colleague Dr Frederick Koehler will discuss: Characterization of Chemical Imaging Data with Robust Statistical Tools as part of a session covering ‘Chemometrics along Spatial and Chemical Dimensions’.

FACSS, the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, conference is an annual meeting that covers the whole of analytical chemistry with an emphasis on spectroscopy.

SyNIRgi from Malvern Instruments was launched earlier this year. It builds on the highly successful Sapphire/NIRCI-2450 platform from Spectral Dimensions, the company that was acquired in 2006 by Malvern Instruments. This next generation NIR-CI system adds significant additional capability in terms of data acquisition speed and new sampling options, setting a new performance standard. It also accommodates an even larger imaging area and offers improved automation capabilities.

