Wild type Taq can only do so much but Kapa SYBR® FAST qPCR Pushes the Boundaries of RT-PCR Even Further!

13 Apr 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Now available from Anachem, the NEW KAPA Biosystems SYBR® FAST qPCR Kit contains a novel DNA polymerase evolved specifically for real-time PCR.

The reaction efficiency of qPCR is critical for accurate and reliable gene quantification. Wild type Taq DNA polymerase is often inhibited by real-time PCR reaction conditions, leading to significant loss in specificity and sensitivity of the assay. KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix contains a novel DNA polymerase engineered to perform optimally in stringent qPCR reaction conditions. It exhibits dramatic improvements in signal-to-noise ratio (fluorescence), cycle threshold (Ct), linearity and sensitivity.

The novel DNA polymerase and proprietary buffer system enhances the amplification efficiency of difficult templates, including both GC and AT-rich templates. The kits are ideally suited for gene expression analysis, microarray validation, low copy gene detection, gene knockdown validation.

Whichever real-time PCR machine you are using Kapa SYBR Fast qPCR is available in a compatible formulation. With these kits there is no need for lengthy re-optimisation. Just substitute the master mix and run a side by side comparison to see for yourself the superior results. Its that simple!

To request your FREE sample contact us now!!
