WITec’s RayShield Coupler Makes Accessible Raman Data at Low Wavenumbers
4 Jun 2013
WITec’s RayShield Coupler is now available for the alpha300 and alpha500 microscope series. It allows the acquisition of Raman spectra at wavenumbers down to below 10 rel. cm-1. This high-transmission coupler system includes a specialized narrow-band filter set which is optimally aligned to detect Raman lines extremely close to the Rayleigh line while maintaining ideal Rayleigh shielding. Thus additional spectral information from Stokes and Anti-Stokes Raman signals can be obtained.
The RayShield Coupler is available for a variety of laser wavelengths from 488 to 785 nm. Currently installed alpha300 and alpha500 microscopes can be upgraded with the RayShield Coupler. Applications in semiconductor research, the pharmaceutical industry, life science, nano carbon research, and materials science in particular will benefit from WITec’s RayShield Coupler.