WITec to host the 11th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium

16 Jul 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

WITec will host the 11th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium from September 29th - October 1st in Ulm, Germany. This well established symposium will cover various aspects of modern Raman microscopy and detail the advantages of confocal Raman imaging and its applications. Scientific talks from distinguished speakers in academia and industry, the contributed talk and poster sessions, and the instrument demonstration will give the participants a deeper understanding of confocal Raman imaging.

Attendees can take advantage of discounted rates for session contributors and those who register early.

Some of the highlights include:
- Key Note Talk: The Principles of Raman Spectroscopy and its Application in Microscopy (Sebastian Schlücker)
- Evening presentation: New Insights into Life and Death of the Tyrolean Iceman: From Genetics to Raman Spectroscopy (Albert Zink)
- More than 10 invited talks from renowned Raman scientists
- Contributed Talk and poster sessions. The best poster entry will be awarded with a tablet PC.
- RISE Microscopy (Correlated Raman-SEM Imaging) will be demonstrated
- The symposium fee includes a Confocal Raman Microscopy Book.

Click on the company website link below for registration information, a detailed program and the full speaker information.

