WITec to Host the 11th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium from September 29th - October 1st in Ulm, Germany

28 Jul 2014
Charlotte Moore
Administrator / Office Personnel

The 11th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium will be held from September 29th - October 1st in Ulm, Germany. The well-established, annual symposium will cover various aspects of modern Raman microscopy and will provide deep insights into Confocal Raman Imaging and its applications. Over the past several years the symposium has become increasingly important for the Raman community, helping participants to keep up with the latest developments in modern Raman imaging and to share their knowledge with one another.

After the great success of last year’s symposium the organizing committee has again assembled a diverse and interesting program which will meet the highest demands of the attendees. This year’s invited speakers are distinguished experts in the field of Raman spectroscopy from academia and industry. Their talks will highlight a broad range of Raman spectroscopy applications in life science, nanotechnology, materials science, graphene research, and climate research. The program also includes a talk of Prof. Albert Zink from the EURAC-Institute for Mummies and the Iceman about Raman investigations of the Tyrolean Iceman. In addition, technical talks about the general principles, microscope configurations and resolutions will give the participants a deeper understanding of confocal Raman microscopy.

Further conference highlights are the contributed talks and posters session, to which all attendees are invited to submit their abstracts, the conference dinner with the best poster award ceremony and the demonstration of the new RISE Microscope for correlative Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy.

This three-day symposium is an excellent occasion for scientists and engineers to further their knowledge of this highly valuable technique in order to meet emerging requirements in the chemical identification and imaging of various compounds. Typical research fields for confocal Raman imaging include pharmaceutics and cosmetics, materials and polymer sciences, nanotechnology, medical and life science, archaeology and geology, forensics, coatings, thin-films and all fields in which clear identification of the distribution of chemical compounds is a necessity.

