WITec Workshop Series Fall 2007

5 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The WITec Workshop Series on Confocal Raman and Scanning Probe Microscopy continues this fall with four workshops in the USA. Two workshops will be held in Arizona, one in Colorado and another in Boston.

Initial talks will provide an introduction to high resolution microscopy for 3-D chemical and surface imaging, followed by an equipment demonstration relevant to various fields of application. All scientists interested in new methods and techniques for analyzing structures in the sub-micron range are invited to participate.

For more details and program information, visit the Article Webpage to download the PDF files about teh workshops.

Nov. 6 – Arizona State University, Tempe
Nov. 8 – University of Arizona, Tucson
Nov. 15 – Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Nov. 26 – MRS Fall Meeting, Boston

