World-class speaker lineup announced for Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021
Register free today to join scientists from around the world as they come together to discuss the hottest topics and latest technology solutions
19 Jul 2021

The first tranche of top speakers has been announced for the SelectScience® Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021 on Tuesday, October 5.
Featuring major new developments in neuroscience, from cutting-edge technologies to novel techniques and top resources to advance your work, the free-to-attend Virtual Summit will offer scientists and scientific manufacturers an interactive forum to connect and share knowledge and solutions at this critical time.
Following the success of last year's inaugural Neuroscience Summit, the 2021 event promises to be even bigger and better than ever, with top speakers lined up and an array of new features including a product launch booth showcasing the latest innovations and an attendee search facility to enhance your networking opportunities.
Free early bird registration is now available — register now to access expert presentations by leading scientists and technology providers, live Q&As, virtual resource hubs, new product launches, networking sessions, 1-on-1 chat facilities, and more.
Register hereHeadline topics will include neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, chronic rhinosinusitis, analytical neurochemistry, and more.
We are delighted to announce our first confirmed speakers, with more to follow imminently:
- Prof. Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Cutting-edge technology for analytical neurochemistry and single-cell chemical characterization of the brain.
- Prof. Jannon Fuchs, University of North Texas: Developmental neuroscience, and the role of primary cilia in the birth and survival of cells in the nervous system.
- Dr. Shakil Awan, The University of Plymouth: Detection of biomarkers for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Dr. Andreas Langer, NanoTemper Technologies: Analyzing protein interactions to combat neurodegenerative diseases.
- Dr. Omer Bayraktar, Wellcome Sanger Institute: Investigating human brain cellular diversity using large-scale approaches.
- Prof. Steven Estus, University of Kentucky: Exploring Alzheimer’s disease and associated genetic risk factors, as well as aging.
- Dr. Vikramsingh Gujar, Northwestern University- Feinberg School of Medicine: Examining olfactory loss during the inflammatory disease, chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).
- Dr. Andrew Newberg, Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital: Pioneering work in neurotheology.
Why attend?
- Keep up with cutting-edge research from world-class speakers
- Learn about the latest technology launches
- Ask the experts - live Q&As with manufacturers and scientists
- Collect a ‘swag bag’ of application notes, posters, technical papers, and other key resources
- Network with scientists, globally
We now invite you or your lab to take part by submitting a poster or abstract on your latest neuroscience research, but be quick, the deadline for submission is August 20, 2021.
- Deadline for abstract submission: August 20, 2021
- Notifications of acceptance sent to presenting author(s): August 27, 2021
- Deadline for virtual poster submission: September 20, 2021
Suggested topics include:
- Neurodegenerative disorders|Cognitive neuroscience|Psychiatric syndromes
- Child neurology/brain development|Neurosurgery|Neurotherapeutics
- Neuropharmacology|Neural engineering|Clinical neurology and neuropsychiatry
- Diagnostics|Neuroimaging|Nanotech & materials
By completing your submission, you will also be given free access to the Summit.
For further updates, follow our social media channels:
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Manufacturers should contact today for further information or to book booth space.