World-leading speakers announced for new Virtual Analytical Summit 2020 – registration now open

Topics discussed include food security, cannabis testing, materials science, life sciences and pharma – free early bird registration now open for scientists worldwide

16 Mar 2020
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor
SelectScience Virtual Analytical Summit.

The first tranche of top scientist speakers has been announced for the first-ever SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit.

Free early bird registration is now open for this groundbreaking online event, which takes place from March 31-April 2 and will offer a crucial forum for scientists and manufacturers worldwide to continue to connect to advance science at this challenging time.

Why attend?

  • Learn about the latest technology launches
  • Keep up with cutting-edge research from expert speakers
  • Access application notes, posters, technical papers and more
  • Ask the experts – live Q&As with manufacturers and scientists
  • Network with other scientists, globally

Headline themes for this exciting Summit include food security, cannabis testing solutions, materials science, life sciences, and pharma and we are delighted to announce the following confirmed speakers and subjects (exact presentation titles to follow):

  • Dr. John Kellie, Fellow, GSK
  • Prof. Tim Long, Director, Macromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech
  • Prof. Oliver Schmitz, Principal Investigator, University of Duisberg-Essen
  • Prof. Jane Dyson, The Scripps Research Institute
  • Dr. Peter O’Toole, Head of Imaging and Cytometry, University of York
  • Prof. Igor K Lednev, Principal Investigator, University of Albany
  • Prof. Rob O’Brien, CEO and CSO, Supra Research and Development, Canada
  • Dr. Gili Ben-Nissan, Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Dr. Diane Turner, Founder and Director of Anthias Consulting Ltd
  • Dr. Matthew MacLennan, Pacific Rim Laboratories Inc.
  • Joseph A. Turpin, Director, S-Matrix Corporation

Register for free to reserve a place today — you’ll be able to drop in and out as you wish during the Summit.

See the full meeting agenda here>>

Once you've registered, please quickly let us know you're attending here and help spread the word using #VirtualAnalyticalSummit

More speakers and further details of the event will follow – watch this space and follow our social media channels: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter

Manufacturers should contact today for further information or to book booth space.

SelectScience announces first Virtual Summit to support the industry as conferences are postponed>>

