World Premiere of Next Generation Sequencing solution from CLC bio

27 Apr 2008
Kerry Parker

On Monday, April 28, CLC bio will officially unveil their new Next Generation Sequencing solution, CLC Genomics Workbench, the first comprehensive analysis package which can analyze and visualize data from all the major Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, such as SOLiD from Applied Biosystems, 454 GS flx from Roche Applied Science, Solexa from Illumina, and HeliScope from Helicos. The World Premiere is at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo,April 28 - April 30, at the World Trade Center in Boston, USA.

Vice President of CLC bio, Jan Lomholdt, states, “Having experienced massive pre-release interest from people within the Next Generation Sequencing segment, we’re confident that our cross-platform NGS solution which includes an intuitive graphical interface, numerous downstream analyses, and support for all the major NGS platforms, will become a hit. Especially when taking into consideration that we have assembled half a million 454 reads against the full E.coli reference genome, in around 2 minutes on a Dual-core laptop with 1 gigabyte RAM. In other words: This is FAST!”

“There is an explosion of interest in the next generation sequencing field right now, and I'm confident that CLC Genomics Workbench will become a valuable tool for the rapidly growing number of users in academia and industry who are using these new instruments for an amazing range of applications,” said Bio-IT World Editor-in-Chief Kevin Davies, PhD. “We're also delighted that CLC bio has choosen this year's Bio-IT World Expo in Boston to announce and introduce this product to the scientific and informatics communities.”

CLC Genomics Workbench includes accelerated assembly of Next Generation Sequencing data through use of High Performance Computing technology, making the assembly process very fast. The genomes to be assembled can be of any size, only limited by the number of gigabytes of RAM available on the computer running the assembly.

CLC Genomics Workbench takes full advantage of “paired end” data, and supports a number of features and work-tasks, such as reference assembly of genomes, De Novo assembly of genomes, SNP detection using advanced statistical models, Digital Gene Expression, metagenomics, clustering and assembly of EST and cDNA sequences, large amounts of genomics and transcriptomics downstream analyses, and workflow support. Some of the mentioned features will be implemented in future releases.

CLC Genomics Workbench has already been chosen as Next Generation Sequencing platform for all Danish universities. CLC bio will release CLC Genomics Workbench to the public in late May. To read more about CLC Genomics Workbench go to the Article Webpage.

