World’s First Commercially Packaged Nanometrology Solution Targeted at FMCG Producers

16 Nov 2006

Leading nanotechnology and nanometrology company Farfield Scientific has launched what is being hailed as the first commercially-packaged, bench-top, nanometrology instrument, the NanoFlex™. With unrivalled performance in sub-nanometer scale surface and interfacial measurement, the NanoFlex™ is initially being targeted at the FMCG market place.

From product performance and claim verification to water and energy conservation, the NanoFlex™ is designed to be tailored easily to any application where surface science and molecular scale measurements are required in FMCG research, product development and manufacturing. Until now, the focus of nanotechnology, and in particular nanometrology, has been largely academic, using scientific instruments or particle accelerators in government research laboratories. Whilst invaluable in pushing the frontiers of science forward, it has been difficult to access the benefits from an industrial perspective. By aiming a commercially packaged system at one of the largest target sectors, FMCG, Farfield believe that they have created a platform for encouraging the widespread commercial adoption of FMCG nanotechnology applications.

The NanoFlex™ can be used in any application where companies need to measure and differentiate between molecular levels of adsorption, absorption or desorption at a surface. Examples include the removal of substances such as grease or oil from a surface by surfactants, or conversely, the deposition of a substance such as a polymer in fabric conditioners onto a surface. In the consumer goods sector, these are the factors that underwrite many of the product marketing and branding claims made to the public. Verification of these claims, quickly and easily in a deskilled manner, gives FMCG producers faster lead times to market and allows them to extend and justify marketing claims. Additionally, by using nanometrology in the research, design, development and manufacturing of FMCG products, not only are lead times to market are reduced but the greater precision in formulation control also means less waste, less energy and greatly reduced water consumption, all ‘brand creating’ concepts in the minds of consumers.

NanoFlex™ utilises Farfield’s acclaimed and award-winning Dual Polarisation Interferometry technology (DPI) and a range of AnaChip™ surfaces which mimic characteristics of the product category under investigation. Hair, cotton, skin, polyester, dish care and a range of other surfaces of interest to the FMGC market are available. Says Gerry Ronan, CEO of Farfield Group, “NanoFlex™ is the only instrument that offers true, real time nano-surface information about FMCG products. It is a truly next-generation tool that can differentiate how your new product performs and verify the claims you make in your marketing. It can also reveal competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and that is just as valuable. Customer-perceived benefits such as softer, smoother and cleaner are all determined by what happens at the molecular scale, and getting a handle on these is truly a brand-building concept”.

