WuXi AppTec Chooses CAS SciFinder® to Advance its R&D Competitiveness

9 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) announced that WuXi AppTec has signed a contract to provide SciFinder for all scientists within their organization. In 2009, a CAS analysis of chemical literature showed that China led all nations in chemical patent publications and was surging in output of journal literature. WuXi AppTec is convincing proof of the continuous investment and ambition of China-based corporations to lead the world market in the field of chemical research.

Scientists recognize SciFinder as the first choice for searching and retrieving chemistry and related scientific information. With streamlined navigation, an intuitive interface, and secure access to CAS content, SciFinder makes it simple to quickly find the right information to support research and make decisions with confidence. “We are pleased to select SciFinder to advance our R&D competitiveness. As a knowledge-based, problem-solving provider of broad chemistry-based services, WuXi will have instant access to more than 10,000 journals and 61 patent authorities, using an intuitive interface to seek out the latest in state-of-the-art research in addition to the wealth of a century of scientific information, thereby enabling our scientific team to more effectively address our customers’ needs in chemistry R&D," commented Dr. Ge Li, chairman and CEO of WuXi AppTec.

China’s pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly. In the last decade, Chinese invention applications increased by nearly 1,400 percent, with much of that growth taking place in the pharmaceutical sector. More than half of the Chinese patent applications during this period were from inventors within China, which indicates that Chinese scientists now also recognize the importance of monetizing research discoveries. “CAS has served chemists and other scientists for more than 100 years. We are honored to share our long-standing experience and comprehensive resources with WuXi AppTec, and also to be part of the advancement of pharmaceutical discovery and innovation in China, the fastest growing market in the world,” said Robert Massie, president of CAS.

CAS has already built a solid relationship with hundreds of Chinese companies and multinational corporations operating in China, along with more than 80 key universities and research institutions. CAS has partnered for decades with Chinese organizations, including the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO), to build its information resources.

