Wyatt Technology’s Calypso® II: Label-Free, Immobilization-Free Biomolecular Interactions

21 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Wyatt Technology, the world leader in absolute macromolecular characterization instrumentation and software showcased the Calypso® II label-free, immobilization-free biomolecular interaction analysis system at Pittcon 2013, Philadelphia, PA. This instrument package enables the rapid, quantitative, non-destructive characterization of protein-protein interactions in native solution using Composition-Gradient Multi-Angle Light Scattering (CG-MALS).

Interactions between proteins are at the heart of many biological functions and are of great importance for every process in a living cell. Information about how proteins such as antibodies and receptors interact improves our understanding of diseases and can point to new therapeutic approaches. Characterization of protein aggregation is critical to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, where it is particularly important that the protein remains in the solution phase in specific formulation buffers. There are numerous methods for detecting protein interactions and aggregation kinetics, each varying in sensitivity and specificity. CG-MALS is an ideal means for measuring the proteins in their native solution; protein samples need not be tagged, immobilized on a surface, or otherwise modified from their natural state. It is a sensitive and precise method for quantifying the dynamic behavior of complexes and aggregates through the absolute determination of molar mass and can non-destructively characterize both weak and strong interactions. Simple or complex association stoichiometries may be determined, providing equilibrium dissociation constants from picomolars to millimolars, as well as self- and cross- viral coefficients and aggregation or dissociation kinetics.

The Wyatt Calypso system consists of hardware and dedicated software for automated CG-MALS measurements of biomolecules as well as Zimm plots and dn/dc determinations for non-biological polymers and nanoparticles. Computer-controlled syringe pumps automate the sample mixing, dilution and delivery, while intuitive software controls the experiment, acquires data and analyzes the results.

