Wyatt Technology’s New Calypso System Reduces Preparation Time and Noise Levels by Providing Continuous Flow to Detectors

16 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Wyatt Technology Inc., the world leader in absolute macromolecular characterization, announces that its newly launched Calypso system has been proven to reduce experimental preparation time and decrease noise levels when measuring the light scattering data of imperfect samples.

Wyatt Technology’s Calypso system performs rapid, quantitative, non-destructive characterization of protein-protein interactions in native solution using Composition-Gradient Multi-Angle Light Scattering (CG-MALS). Normally Calypso operates in stop-flow mode, for optimal sensitivity with minimal sample consumption, and to observe reaction kinetics. Continuous flow improves the data obtained with difficult or imperfect samples, by moving any large particulate through the system rapidly. This enables the despiking firmware inherent in Wyatt Technology light scattering instruments to recognize and remove the noise. In addition to removing data artifacts due to pressure fluctuations, the continuous flow method also reduces build-up of sticky samples, such as membrane proteins, on the surfaces of detector flow cells.

Besides the standard Calypso automated mixing and dilution hardware, two additional pieces of equipment are required for continuous flow mode: a standard HPLC pump and an 8 port valve. The dual-sample-loop, 8-port valve is controlled directly by the Calypso software. Via the user-friendly graphic interface, a two-step method is readily designed: the Calypso syringe pumps prepare the sample and load the sample loop, then a command is issued to the valve to deliver the sample to the detectors. As the isocratic HPLC pump shoulders the burden of high-pressure flow, wear and tear on the precision mixing syringe pumps is reduced and higher flow rates are supported.

