XTractor™ introduces ‘Insta Search’ that enables users to get instant snapshot of the XTractor data on chosen query

21 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

Indian Life Sciences Informatics Company, Molecular Connections announced today, the launch of its ‘Insta Search’ feature in its latest offering XTractor™ - The first of its kind scientific literature alert service launched in July ’08.

Team XTractor in a briefing explained what ‘Insta Search’ is all about:
“Does your everyday research constantly involves answers to such questions?

• Which are the biological processes involved in Leukemia?

• What are the drugs associated with Ovarian Neoplasm?

• What are the diseases modulated by FRAP?

Then get a snapshot of the XTractor data from the latest published abstracts on your questions using the Insta Search feature.”

To know more about the advantages of the XTractor™ and to register for a free account visit us at the Molecular Connections’ XTractor portal via the company article website.

