XYZ-Piezo-Scanner for AFM Provides 25 Picometers Resolution

1 Apr 2007

PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P., a leading manufacturer of nanopositioning and piezo-based precision motion-control equipment for bio-nanotechnology, photonics and semiconductor applications offers a new ultra-high-resolution positioning & scanning system.

The minute P-363 PicoCube®, together with its ultra-low noise E-536 driver / controller, provide significantly higher resolution and positional stability than previous multi-axis scanning stages.

Features & Advantages:

  • High-Speed XYZ Scanner for AFM / SPM & Manipulation Tool for Nanotechnology
  • Custom, High-Stiffness Shear Piezo Drives Provide up to 10 kHz Resonant Frequency for Faster Response and Higher Scanning Performance
  • Ultra-Low-Noise Controller Enables 25 Picometers (0.025 nm) Resolution
  • Capacitive Feedback for Exceptional Precision and Linearity
  • Parallel Metrology for Better Multi-Axis Accuracy
  • Small & Rugged Design with Titanium Case
  • Vacuum Compatible

Typical Applications: AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), SPM (Scanning Probe Microscopy) and Nanomanipulation, Bio-Technology, Nanotechnology, Nano-Imprint, Semiconductor & Data-Storage Test Equipment.

Why are PicoCube® Systems Superior?
PicoCube® systems were designed to overcome the limitations of open-loop piezo-tube based scanners which provide high resolution motion but poor linearity and trajectory guidance.

The compact PicoCube® is based on exceptionally robust, high-stiffness piezo drives rather than tubes and employs non-contact, direct-measuring, parallel-metrology capacitive sensors for position feedback. The low-inertia drives allow for a resonant frequency of 10 kHz, important for high speed scanning applications.

Why Parallel Metrology?
Parallel metrology can “see” all controlled degrees of freedom simultaneously and compensate for off-axis motion in real time. The benefits are a reduction of runout and off-axis errors, straighter multi-axis motion and improved repeatability.

The new ultra-low-noise E-536 closed-loop controller provides unprecedented positional stability and can be controlled with analog or digital signals. Extensive software support including LabView™ drivers is provided.

