Zeiss launches Fast and Sensitive ConfoCor 3 Detection Module to exploit FCS

2 Feb 2006

New detection module converts LSM 510 and LSM 510 META microscopes into fully integrated imaging and spectroscopy platforms Researchers wishing to exploit the potential benefits of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) have been given a boost by Carl Zeiss.

The ConfoCor 3 detection module converts LSM 510 and LSM 510 META microscopes into fully integrated imaging and spectroscopy platforms. Combining ultra-fast, high-resolution imaging and a range of ultra-high sensitivity detection systems, Confocor 3 significantly improves performance for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and other sensitive fluctuation analysis techniques in living cells.

A choice of avalanche photodiodes or gallium arsenide-phosphide (GaAsP) detectors give users the flexibility of maximum sensitivity or enhanced temporal resolution. ConfoCor 3 also allows users to select one or more positions within an individual cell each of which is then automatically monitored and analysed in real-time.

ConfoCor 3 integrates fully with the motorised functions of the LSM 510 microscope and software to become a fully-automated system, taking the time-consuming effort out of sensitive fluorescence fluctuation analysis. Manually controlled single readings or software-driven multiple readings are analysed and presented on-screen in real-time. The LSM 510 software also stores the raw data for further analysis.

Advanced software modules may also be specified. These incorporate commonly used methods, such as free diffusion, anomalous diffusion and flow, produce photon counting histograms and allow global and interactive fitting with the possibility of user-defined start values and boundaries. The flexibility of the advanced software also allows user-defined models to be created and stored.

ConfoCor 3 is a perfect tool for the analysis of molecular interactions and dynamics by FCS, which relies on the detection of fluctuations in the fluorescence emission of particles. To avoid noise and signal neutralization by too many simultaneously emitting particles, the analysis must be confined to a sufficiently small and well defined volume containing the particles of interest. ConfoCor 3's advanced confocal optics reduces the sample volume element to 0.25 femtolitres (smaller than a single E. coli cell). This enables the instrument to analyse single particles at nanomolar concentrations.

The combination of fast detectors, high-performance optics and online, real-time data analysis will suit the investigation of molecule distribution and diffusion processes in cells, protein complex formations and the quantification of receptor ligand interactions.

