Zeiss launches Microscope specially designed for Electrophysiological Experiments

17 Aug 2008

With the introduction of the Axio Examiner Fixed Stage Microscope, Carl Zeiss makes electrophysiological experiments easier to set-up and perform. The Axio Examiner’s specially-designed sloping turret maximizes the working area on the large stage and allows a working distance of more than 100 mm. In addition, the generous open space permits unimpeded access to the experimental area and a high degree of flexibility in configuring options, such as micro-manipulators, pipettes around large specimens.

The new system may be especially valuable in neuroscience research for patch clamp experiments on nerve cells, examination of brain sections, and the measurement of cellular electrical signals. Multiphoton imaging is available simply by combining the Axio Examiner fixed stage with the new Zeiss LSM 710 NLO microscope, and the new Zeiss AxioVision 4.7 software includes a special physiology module for the quantitative evaluation of many typical experimental procedures.

Freedom from mechanical and electrical interference is assured by the extremely stable stand design and optional shielded stages. In all motorised versions, the motors are automatically deactivated after the target position has been reached and can be actively grounded.

The optical design developed for Axio Examiner also offers maximum optical quality for transmitted light techniques and for advanced fluorescence applications. With the W N-ACHROPLAN and W Plan-APOCHROMAT series, water immersion objectives specially developed to meet the requirements of neuroscience are available for visible light and infrared. Users may choose from transmitted light through to laser scanning with manual or motorized control. The modular design offers a choice of four upper bodies, two lower bodies, up to three camera interfaces, visible or infra-red illumination, DIC and Dodt Gradient contrast and two and four position objective turrets.

