ZirChrom Separations Inc. Unveils New Phosphorylated Peptide Enrichment Protocol

16 Nov 2006
Kerry Parker

Titanium dioxide and zirconium dioxide media are fast becoming the new standards for the enrichment of phosphorylated peptides used in mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. ZirChrom Separations Inc. will introduce six new application notes employing both titanium dioxide and zirconium dioxide for phosphopeptide enrichment at the Eastern Analytical Symposium in Somerset, NJ (Garden State Convention Center, Booth #220, November 13-15).

Previously, immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) was the most widely utilized technique for phosphopeptide enrichment by mass spectroscopy. IMAC methods can vary widely in effectiveness depending on the type of metal ion and loading/elution procedure. The technique also uses valuable research time for the required metal ion loading and washing steps and is difficult to incorporate into an on-line application. As non-specific binding of non-phosphorylated peptides further hampers the technique, researchers using mass spectroscopy needed a more specific on-line technique for isolating the phosphopeptides in order to fully realize the time saving benefits of mass spectroscopy. Recently, a plethora of papers and posters have been published demonstrating the unique ability of titanium dioxide and zirconium dioxide to selectively retain phosphopeptides contained in complex biological mixtures.

Sachtopore-NP (titanium dioxide) and ZirChrom-PHASE (zirconium dioxide) are available as bulk media; or in packed guard, analytical, semi-preparative or preparative sized columns. In addition, both media are currently available in Glygen Corporation’s SPE pipette tips (Lab-in-a-tip™) and soon-to-be-offered 96 well plate format.

