New Blood Test Could Quickly Predict if the Drug Palbociclib Will Help Breast Cancer Patients
A blood test for cancer DNA could predict if a woman is responding to the new breast cancer drug palbociclib, months earlier than current tests
A blood test for cancer DNA could predict if a woman is responding to the new breast cancer drug palbociclib, months earlier than current tests
Tohoku University researchers have fabricated two types of trilayer graphene with strikingly different electrical properties
Copley Scientific joins IPAC-RS to drive innovations in the field of OINDPs
Agilent Measurement Suite to provide researchers with greater experimental freedom
The new ImageXpress Pico system offers cellular imaging acquisition and at an affordable price point
The tiny fossil of a prehistoric baby bird is helping scientists understand how early avians came into the world in the age of dinosaurs
MilliporeSigma has developed a streamlined system that optimizes the critical steps of preparing cells and media
Learn from the latest research trends in this gene editing conference
Rigaku exhibits its X-ray analytical instrumentation at booth numbers 2000-2002
Bio-Rad shares its expertise to help perfect fluorescence-based protein detection and quantitation
Merger to increase access to unique reagents and recombinant antibody technology
Rigaku NEX LS scanner performs multi-element composition, coat weight and coating thickness analyses for web and coil applications
Information sessions at Pittcon highlight handheld and portable spectroscopic analysis applications
Polymer surface grafting of anti-bacterial copper nanoparticles could reduce spread of infections and viruses
Touch-sensitive circuitry that 'can feel the touch of a ladybug' could revolutionize prosthetic limbs
Tablet with microplate app and electronic pipette are first 'internet of things' devices in the Gilson Connect family
Fluctuations in female sex hormones could play a role in the development of allergies and asthma, a major review of evidence suggests
Systec has published a new comprehensive guide to effective and easy autoclave sterilization
Developing 2D materials similar to graphene remains a challenge, but chemists are making progress - moving closer to smaller and faster electronics and photonics
Testing at the point-of-care improves patient care with results in less than a minute