News & Articles
Single Blood Test Screens for Eight Cancer Types
New blood test provides a unique new framework for early detection of the most common cancers
Earthquakes as a Driver for the Deep-Ocean Carbon Cycle
An international team led by geologist Michael Strasser has used novel methods to analyze sediment deposits in the Japan Trench in order to gain new insights into the carbon cycle
Intellicyt to Showcase the iQue Screener PLUS Platform at SLAS 2018
IntelliCyt, a Sartorius brand, will showcase the iQue Screener PLUS platform for high-throughput suspension cell screening at Booth 1419.
How Good Bacteria Control Your Genes
Chemical signals that affect the human genome may help to fight infections and prevent cancer
Alzheimer’s Drug Turns Back Clock in Powerhouse of Cell
Salk researchers identify the molecular target of J147, which is nearing clinical trials to treat Alzheimer’s disease
Fast Food Makes the Immune System More Aggressive in the Long Term
Study by the University of Bonn shows that even after a change to a healthy diet, the body's defenses remain hyperactive
Two Simple Tests Could Help to Pinpoint the Cause of Stroke
Research by the University of Edinburgh suggests a way to detect the cause of stroke
Dundee to Join CMS Collaboration at CERN
Curetis and MGI Advance Strategic Partnership in NGS-based Molecular Microbiology
Curetis and MGI's collaboration will enable short-term commercialisation of NGS-based molecular microbiology.
Stem Cell Community Day 2018: Bioprocessing Technologies in Stem Cell Research
Register now to discover new, expert perspectives on process design, scale-up, and product safety
Jet Stream Changes Since 1960s Linked to More Extreme Weather
By using tree rings, the UA-led team developed the first reconstruction of historical changes in the North Atlantic jet stream prior to the 20th century
New Exotic Phenomena Seen in Photonic Crystals
Researchers observe, for the first time, topological effects unique to an “open” system
Supporting Excellence in Science at the 2018 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
Thermo Fisher demonstrates its dedication to advancing analytical chemistry through a series of educational sessions and award sponsorship
Botanical Pharmaceuticals Market Poised to Explode
Minoryx Therapeutics Announces Dosing of First Patient in ADVANCE Trial, a Phase 2/3 Clinical Study of MIN-102 in Patients with Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN)
ADVANCE trial expected to initiate patient recruitment shortly in several other EU countries, followed by the US
WASP Touch and ProtoCOL3 Play Key Part in Australian Lab
Revolutionary step forward in food safety as world's first project explores alternative approaches to sanitizing produce
Scientists Identify Lymph-Node Positive Breast Cancer Patients Who May Develop Incurable Secondary Cancers
Mathematical models are used to analyse lymph node morphology and predict risk of cancer spread
Physicists Take First Step Toward Cell-Sized Robots
Pixium Vision Receives FDA Approval to Begin Human Clinical Study of its PRIMA Retinal Implant
The feasibility clinical study is designed to evaluate PRIMA sub-retinal implant in patients with atrophic dry age-related macular degeneration