COVID-19 positive test linked to mental illness, fatigue and sleep problems
Testing positive on a COVID-19 PCR test has been shown to have a positive correlation to mental illness and sleep problems
Testing positive on a COVID-19 PCR test has been shown to have a positive correlation to mental illness and sleep problems
New testing capacity complements EKF’s test kit manufacturing and point-of-care diagnostic instrument business
The research team at Queen's has developed a nanomedicine that could offer a more effective approach to radiotherapy
Algorithms that problem solve by mimicking the process of biological evolution could accelerate progress towards artificial learning machines
Researchers will help by testing the concrete which could revolutionize the concrete industry
The European Union Reference Laboratory has published and continues to update the QuPPe method to combat pesticides in food
Scientists at Korea Institute of Science and Technology have found a way to obtain CT images without exposure to radiation and only using MRI
Deflux has enabled thousands of children to receive a highly effective, minimally invasive, same-day treatment for VUR
Scottish funding marks a major milestone in the creation of treatment for millions of sufferers of chronic inflammatory diseases
An alternative to tube welding for small-volume biopharma processing
New partnership will focus on validation of novel organ-on-a-chip infection models to develop the next generation of COVID-19 research tools
OEM versions of its DRI detector will enhance the performance of HPLC and GPC/SEC systems
The first patients have been enrolled in this trial to help treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
The BioChromato Smart Evaporator C10 has seen an increased uptake in labs across the world as it promises to improve sample preparation practices
Chemists of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz develop a method for producing cement by milling instead of burning lime, which harms the environment
Researchers from King’s College London provide a clue as to why patients with CHARGE syndrome are deaf
Study finds blocking or hiding facial movement can affect sharing of emotions and social interaction
The innovative technique can offer a more effective approach to radiotherapy
The new facilities are designed to enable IVD and point of care businesses to develop and manufacture assays at scale
DAPA-CKD Phase III trial sub-analyses showed that kidney and cardiovascular outcomes were consistent
Enzyme Explorer Tool from Merck enables you to select the optimum enzyme for your tissue dissociation or cell detachment needs
The partnerships hope to resolve the challenges to scale up and commercialization, enabling the implementation of quantum computing to real-world applications
New icIEF technology provides a unique and powerful analysis method to address key analytical challenges
Spectrus JS (JavaScript) supports remote work for scientists with 1D and 2D NMR data processing on any computer with internet and browser access