New cannabinoid compound to treat irritable bowel syndrome
Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies has announced the pre-clinical development of a new cannabinoid compound ‘OCT461201’ to treat IBS
Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies has announced the pre-clinical development of a new cannabinoid compound ‘OCT461201’ to treat IBS
The test results are designed to enable differential diagnosis in under 2.5 hours
Recent funding from the BARDA award helped the company accelerate development and validation
As a provider of advanced cell and particle instrumentation for the life science market, the funding aims to accelerate its research
The SAMBA II machines provide a simple and accurate system for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection
In the wake of the pandemic, the strategic partnership aims to increase antigen production for diagnostic kits and vaccine development
Horizon Discovery and Pharmahungary have reported a micro-RNA compound suitable for further development
New IgM and IgG antibody assays will help indicate whether a person has developed immunity against COVID-19
The scientific community is working at full speed to fight the severe acute respiratory syndrome
The rapid delivery program is designed to provide critical laboratory equipment in this time of need
Samples from those who had COVID-19 could reveal true infection rate, lethality and vaccines
The partnership with Primer Design aims to distribute the Genesig CE-IVD & FDA-EUA COVID-19 qPCR kit to Europe and the U.S.
This collaboration hopes to deliver the unique ability to develop and deploy accredited physicochemical analysis techniques and methods
The RAPIDPoint 500e blood gas analyzer aims to meet the unprecedented demand for blood gas testing in coronavirus patients
OPENCORONA consortium awarded €3 million funding by Horizon 2020 to support emergency research and development against the COVID-19 outbreak
These are some of the first antibody detection tests to be CE marked in Europe and available for COVID-19 testing
This clinical trial aims to test the effects of potential drug treatments for patients with the novel coronavirus
The Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 test is designed for the qualitative detection of the virus causing COVID-19
This initiative step aims to help healthcare workers and researchers as they battle the global pandemic
The collaboration aims to develop novel, targeted treatments to address significant unmet needs
Coronavirus is said to be detected using Iceni Diagnostics’ rapid, point-of-care screening technology, which distinguishes it from influenza
The event has been rescheduled to take place from September 8-10, 2020, at London ExCeL
Scientists say early data, generated with new NGS research panel from Thermo Fisher Scientific, suggest coronavirus is genetically stable, and could increase the effectiveness of vaccines in development
This critical appeal was made to the life sciences sector in order to tackle the spread of coronavirus