24 hours in clinical #CLINICAL24

#CLINICAL24 is the clinical industry’s biggest, brand new global media celebration of the clinical laboratory medicine profession. Taking place from Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2024.

Supported by companies and societies, this flagship 3-month campaign will highlight a typical day in the clinical lab. Join us as we explore critical challenges, technology solutions and breakthrough clinical science being employed around the world, through useful and practical information, engaging content and conversation.

Supported by The Association of Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM), the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS), The UK Sepsis Trust, and the Global Sepsis Alliance.

Healthcare professionals

Anyone working in clinical laboratories, or supporting clinical laboratory services is invited to take part in #CLINICAL24

Medical laboratory scientists, biomedical scientists, clinicians, point-of-care professionals, clinical scientists, laboratory managers, laboratory leaders …. get involved in #CLINICAL24!

Join us for 3 months of engaging conversation across borders. Join our live discussion forums, attend CPD webinars, and watch exclusive interviews. Then join us for a live 24-hour media event on December 3, 2024 that will bring together everyone involved in delivering this vital healthcare service.

Not a SelectScience member yet? Join here to be kept up to date on all activities.

Industry brands and technology providers

Join the #CLINICAL24 campaign initiative to highlight the technology solutions that help to solve daily challenges in the clinical laboratory. Get involved in the live Advancing Healthcare Forums, host an accredited CPD webinar, or provide an expert voice in the fields of acute care, chronic disease and the future lab. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, infectious disease and sepsis, cardiology, point-of-care testing, diabetes, cancer diagnostics, Alzheimer's, QC, and digital transformation.

To contribute to the global online discussion, register your interest and request a meeting with the Managing Editor and Clinical Lead, Sonia Nicholas, at editor@selectscience.net.
Connect with Sonia Nicholas on LinkedIn.

#CLINICAL24 Ambassadors

Learn more about our Ambassadors here

Societies and Associations

Support #CLINICAL24 and all of the people who work tirelessly to deliver laboratory services. Enable global discussions around the use of laboratory technology and how it can advance healthcare in every country. Partnership packages are available, contact editor@selectscience.net to request a meeting with Managing Editor and Clinical Lead, Sonia Nicholas.
Connect with Sonia Nicholas on LinkedIn.

Supported by:

The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)
The Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS)
The Global Sepsis Alliance
The UK Sepsis Trust
Applied Microbiology International