Maine Molecular Quality Controls, Inc. (MMQCI)

Maine Molecular Quality Controls, Inc. (MMQCI)’s mission is to provide high caliber quality controls to support the goal of achieving 100% accuracy of patient molecular test results.

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Maine Molecular Quality Controls, Inc. (MMQCI)’s mission is to provide high caliber quality controls to support the goal of achieving 100% accuracy of patient molecular test results.

MMQCI designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes in vitro diagnostic (IVD) quality control products used to monitor clinical assays used for the diagnosis, management, and detection of DNA and RNA in blood, urine or other body fluids for genetic testing, disease status, cancer, transmissible agents, and pharmacogenetics on IVD manual, semi-automated and automated devices, including near patient/point of care IVD devices. As experts in quality assurance of laboratory medicine, MMQCI produces high caliber controls that provide confidence in test results with uniquely suited controls that monitor all phases of molecular testing as required by best practices and regulations. MMQCI designs and produces innovative, high-quality control products as needed for emerging nucleic acid technologies as they come into use by the molecular diagnostic community.

MMQCI’s high caliber quality control products benefit clinical laboratory scientists by improving test result accuracy and efficiency, physicians & care givers by increased confidence in laboratory test results for best decision making, patients by improving healthcare with more accurate laboratory results, and our employees who can take pride in their contribution to healthcare through meaningful and rewarding employment.

Contact Maine Molecular Quality Controls, Inc. (MMQCI)

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