
Ablynx is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of Nanobodies™ to treat a range of serious human diseases. Nanobodies™ are a novel class of antibody-derived therapeutic proteins. Because of their small size, unique structure and unparalleled stability, Nanobodies™ combine the advantages of conventional antibody therapeutics with key features of small-molecule drugs.

Ablynx is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of Nanobodies™ to treat a range of serious human diseases. Nanobodies™ are a novel class of antibody-derived therapeutic proteins. Because of their small size, unique structure and unparalleled stability, Nanobodies™ combine the advantages of conventional antibody therapeutics with key features of small-molecule drugs.

Ablynx is the only company in the World with granted US and European composition of matter patents describing Nanobodies™.

The power of Ablynx's discovery platform has resulted in a number of Nanobody™ drug candidates in pre-clinical development at the company's headquarters in Ghent, Belgium. Ablynx is a spin-off of the Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB).

Contact Ablynx

Technologiepark 4 9052 Ghent - Zwijnaarde

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