America Pharma Source, LLC

America Pharma Source (apharmas) is a growing biopharmaceutical developer, manufacturer, and sourcing provider.

America Pharma Source (apharmas) is a growing biopharmaceutical developer, manufacturer, and sourcing provider.

The bioscience division offers high-quality life science products and services to biotech and pharmaceutical companies, universities, and non-profit organizations to accelerate their scientific research and drug development efforts.

Collaborated with strategic research partners, the pharmaceutical division focuses on developing new technologies in gene/ drug delivery system and therapeutic products from natural sources. To discover new therapeutic agents and seek a balanced therapy on depression, stress, diabetics and obesity, two drug screening models, MTS-HTSS™ ( Multi-target-site High Throughput Screening System) and Redig™, are established and several combinations and leads are identified. In vivo DNA/RNA and protein drug delivery systems also are under development.

Contact America Pharma Source, LLC

9766 Athletic Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

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