asecos GmbH

The name asecos stands for security and ecology – for safety and environmental protection in handling hazardous materials. Multifunctional practical solutions ensure safety for users through storage of combustible and water-polluting materials in accordance with legal requirements. Since its establishment in 1994 asecos has created significant momentum in the storage of hazardous materials.

Our special field is the development, construction and manufacture of safety cabinets. The introduction of Type 90 technology by asecos has given rise to a considerable innovative boost. Thanks to this the company is now regarded as the leading manufacturer of safety cabinets in Europe.

All asecos products are "Made in Germany". Production is carried out in the parent company in Gründau and the products are delivered from here all over the world. In England our own company is responsible for product sales and is directly involved in looking after customers on the spot. In other European countries asecos is represented by our own companies in the Netherlands, France and Spain, as well as by selected partners.

Speed, involvement, know-how and innovative ideas are qualities highly regarded by asecos' customers which form a solid basis for success. You can also profit from this, since deciding on asecos products will guarantee optimum storage of hazardous materials and the highest standards in safety, now and in the future.

The name asecos stands for security and ecology – for safety and environmental protection in handling hazardous materials. Multifunctional practical solutions ensure safety for users through storage of combustible and water-polluting materials in accordance with legal requirements. Since its establishment in 1994 asecos has created significant momentum in the storage of hazardous materials.

Our special field is the development, construction and manufacture of safety cabinets. The introduction of Type 90 technology by asecos has given rise to a considerable innovative boost. Thanks to this the company is now regarded as the leading manufacturer of safety cabinets in Europe.

All asecos products are "Made in Germany". Production is carried out in the parent company in Gründau and the products are delivered from here all over the world. In England our own company is responsible for product sales and is directly involved in looking after customers on the spot. In other European countries asecos is represented by our own companies in the Netherlands, France and Spain, as well as by selected partners.

Speed, involvement, know-how and innovative ideas are qualities highly regarded by asecos' customers which form a solid basis for success. You can also profit from this, since deciding on asecos products will guarantee optimum storage of hazardous materials and the highest standards in safety, now and in the future.

Contact asecos GmbH

Sicherheit und Umweltschutz Weiherfeldsiedlung 16 ?18 63584 Gr?dau

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