
Our success is based on a commitment to discovery, finding new ideas that are inspired by life and which in turn help to inspire the lives of our stakeholders.

Our success is based on a commitment to discovery, finding new ideas that are inspired by life and which in turn help to inspire the lives of our stakeholders.

We discover new medicines that are designed to improve the health and quality of life of patients around the world - medicines which are innovative, effective and which offer added benefits such as reduced side effects or better ways of taking the treatment. We also focus on getting the best from every medicine we make by exploring all the ways it can be used or improved.

At AstraZeneca, innovation is about more than just research. We aim to stimulate continued creativity throughout our organisation by maintaining a culture in which our people feel valued, energised and rewarded for their ideas and contribution to our success - ideas which can make a difference in all aspects of our business. And we support and encourage our people in discovering their own potential, through excellent learning and development opportunities that are available to them throughout their careers.

With a global business comes a global responsibility for consistently high standards of behaviour worldwide. We aim to effectively manage that responsibility and help to find new ways of bringing benefit to society to ensure that AstraZeneca continues to be welcomed as a valued member of the global community.

We are committed to continued achievement in all of these areas to ensure a healthy future for our business so that we can continue to help improve the lives of, and add value for, all those who benefit from it.

Contact AstraZeneca

15 Stanhope Gate London W1K 1LN

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