BAC discovers, develops and manufactures affinity ligands and affinity purification products serving the growing market of biopharmaceutical research and production.

BAC discovers, develops and manufactures affinity ligands and affinity purification products serving the growing market of biopharmaceutical research and production.

BAC’s CaptureSelect purification and affinity separation products are provided for the discovery, preclinical and clinical manufacturing of therapeutic proteins, including antibodies and antibody fragments. These products enable a reduced time to market, increased purity and yield and an overall lower cost of goods for biopharmaceutical drug development.

BAC’s extensive pipeline of affinity ligands and lead products ensures that there is a purification solution for all major biopharmaceuticals, including biosimilars and vaccines.

Contact BAC B.V.

Huizerstraatweg 28<BR>1411 GP Naarden

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