Bio S&T

Providing gene discovery solutions for over 10 years.

We are the resource for all of your BAC and cDNA library needs. Bio S&T is located in Montreal, Canada and is dedicated to providing services to research laboratories in universities, research institutes and R&D departments of pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

We would like to welcome our new clients and thank our current clients for their confidence, loyalty and support of Bio S&T.

Your BAC and cDNA custom library experts.

We have a solid scientific team led by outstanding, experienced scientists with specialized skills in different fields of biotechnology.

We provide top-notch R&D technical services and gene discovery solutions: BAC, fosmid, cosmid, lambda and plasmid library construction; BAC library screening; cDNA for 454 and next generation sequencing; APA genome walking services and retroviral research products.

Arrayed BAC library

An arrayed or non-arrayed BAC library is the preferred choice for downstream applications such as hybridization screening; full-genome sequencing; BAC end sequencing or physical mapping projects. Amou...


Screened BAC library

A pooled BAC library is an invaluable tool for PCR-screening. It allows for the easy retrieval of BAC clones of interest. This type of library is especially useful when genome size is large and creati...


Normalized cDNA libraries

Our cDNA libraries feature full-length-enriched and high quality size-fractionated cDNA. cDNA library construction is usually done in slightly-modified versions of pBluescript or pcDNA3.1. Insert size...


Providing gene discovery solutions for over 10 years.

We are the resource for all of your BAC and cDNA library needs. Bio S&T is located in Montreal, Canada and is dedicated to providing services to research laboratories in universities, research institutes and R&D departments of pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

We would like to welcome our new clients and thank our current clients for their confidence, loyalty and support of Bio S&T.

Your BAC and cDNA custom library experts.

We have a solid scientific team led by outstanding, experienced scientists with specialized skills in different fields of biotechnology.

We provide top-notch R&D technical services and gene discovery solutions: BAC, fosmid, cosmid, lambda and plasmid library construction; BAC library screening; cDNA for 454 and next generation sequencing; APA genome walking services and retroviral research products.

Contact Bio S&T

5020 Fairway Street, Suite 220, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,H8T 1B8

Website link