BioInvent International AB

BioInvent International AB, which is listed on the O list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SAX:BINV), develops therapeutic antibodies against diseases where there is a significant unmet medical need. Antibodies are a strongly growing segment of the pharmaceutical market.

BioInvent International AB, which is listed on the O list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SAX:BINV), develops therapeutic antibodies against diseases where there is a significant unmet medical need. Antibodies are a strongly growing segment of the pharmaceutical market.

BioInvent focuses on discovery and development of therapeutic antibodies, and documents their effect in pre-clinical and early clinical trials. Clinical development, marketing and distribution are conducted in cooperation with established pharmaceutical companies. Today BioInvent conducts innovative drug projects involving conditions such as HIV infection, thrombosis, cancer, atherosclerosis and diseases of the joints.

These projects are based on a competitive technology platform that covers the entire chain from the n-CoDeRÒ antibody library for fast and efficient selection of human antibodies, to production in a facility fully approved for manufacturing biological drugs. The scope and strength of this platform is also utilised by partners in the development of new drugs. These partners include ALK-Abelló, Antisoma, Celltech, GlaxoSmithKline, Igeneon, ImmunoGen, OrbusNeich, Syngenta and XOMA.

The Company, which currently has 92 employees, is located at Ideon in Lund.

Contact BioInvent International AB

Lund s-22370 Sweden

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