BlueSens gas sensor GmbH

BlueSens gas sensor GmbH develops, manufactures and markets PAT (process analytical technology) conform sensors for many gases like CH4, CO2 and O2. A mere decade after its establishment BlueSens is meanwhile the market leader and supplies the sensors worldwide. Thanks to an innovative and patented set-up the costs for a gas analysis, e.g. of bioreactors, can be minimized.

BCP-CO2 Analysis Sensors

From BlueSens GmbH, the BCP-CO2 is a reliable sensor for the laboratory and the industrial use. You can choose between a robust version with an aluminum housing or a compact version with a PA-plastics...


BCP-H2 Analysis Sensors

From BlueSens GmbH, the thermal conductivity hydrogen sensor BCP-H2 measures any concentration of hydrogen in the shake flask and fermenter. The BCP-H2 can be integrated directly into the gas line and...


BCP-O2 Analysis Sensors

From BioSens GmbH, the BCP-O2 is a reliable and uncomplicate sensor for the measuring of the oxygen rate in real time. Processes in bioprocessing are optimized efficiently and precisely. The field of ...


BlueSens gas sensor GmbH develops, manufactures and markets PAT (process analytical technology) conform sensors for many gases like CH4, CO2 and O2. A mere decade after its establishment BlueSens is meanwhile the market leader and supplies the sensors worldwide. Thanks to an innovative and patented set-up the costs for a gas analysis, e.g. of bioreactors, can be minimized.

BlueSens products can be found in biotechnical laboratories, in biogas plants, in the food industry and also in the pharmaceutical industry.

BlueSens offers high-tech gas measuring technique - made in Germany - from the single sensor to the complex analytical system for a reasonable price.

The applications of the sensors stretch from basic research through GMP production. The innovative structure allows using the sensors at the spot where the bioprocess is taking place without having to adjust the pressure. BlueSens is your trusted partner for your measuring task, whether you need a standard sensor or a custom-tailored development.

Contact BlueSens gas sensor GmbH

Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 9 - 13 Herten 45699

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