Buck Scientific, Inc.

Buck Scientific Inc. was founded in 1970 to provide third party field service for Perkin Elmer Instruments. During the next 14 years, Buck Scientific grew to include remanufactured instrumentation and representation of the Foxboro, Hitachi, Horiba, and GBC product lines. During this period, we also developed a line of price-competitive spectroscopy supplies for AA, IR, and UV instrumentation. In 1985, Buck Scientific acquired Lightpath Optical Company in England, a manufacturer of glass and quartz cuvettes.

Today, Buck Scientific offers a wide variety of new analytical instruments and supplies. We have grown into a multinational corporation with distributors in over 40 countries. We have established a reputation for affordable products with excellent analytical capabilities.

PFP-7 Flame Photometer

The Model PFP-7 is a low temperature, single channel flame photometer designed as a low cost approach for the routine determination of sodium and potassium. Additional filters are available for the me...


Buck Scientific Inc. was founded in 1970 to provide third party field service for Perkin Elmer Instruments. During the next 14 years, Buck Scientific grew to include remanufactured instrumentation and representation of the Foxboro, Hitachi, Horiba, and GBC product lines. During this period, we also developed a line of price-competitive spectroscopy supplies for AA, IR, and UV instrumentation. In 1985, Buck Scientific acquired Lightpath Optical Company in England, a manufacturer of glass and quartz cuvettes.

Today, Buck Scientific offers a wide variety of new analytical instruments and supplies. We have grown into a multinational corporation with distributors in over 40 countries. We have established a reputation for affordable products with excellent analytical capabilities.

Contact Buck Scientific, Inc.

58 Fort Point Street East Norwalk, CT 06855

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