
ChemoPower Technology was established in Singapore in 2013 and includes a team consisting of software engineers, engineers and scientists who share a passion for simplifying chemical analysis. It's proprietary chemical analysis technologies offer greater accuracy and speed than current technologies, and are applicable to a broad spectrum of modern chemical analysis including pharmaceutical, traditional medicine, environmental, food as well as for rapid quality assurance and quality control assessments.

ChemoPower Technology was established in Singapore in 2013 and includes a team consisting of software engineers, engineers and scientists who share a passion for simplifying chemical analysis. It's proprietary chemical analysis technologies offer greater accuracy and speed than current technologies, and are applicable to a broad spectrum of modern chemical analysis including pharmaceutical, traditional medicine, environmental, food as well as for rapid quality assurance and quality control assessments.

Contact ChemoPower

20 Science Park Road #02-25 TeleTech Park Singapore Science Park II Singapore 117674

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