Circulogene Theranostics

Scientists have been on a quest for many years to identify noninvasive “genetic” cancer biomarkers indicating the presence of disease. Their objective was to discover a more effective and patient-friendly method for the detection, monitoring and treatment of cancer versus today’s method of tissue biopsies, which are invasive, painful, time consuming, costly, and at times, inaccurate. Current methods of diagnosis can also be too late in the disease process. Recent advances in bioinformatics, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology and understanding of the genetic basis of cancer are revolutionizing personalized medicine.

Scientists have been on a quest for many years to identify noninvasive “genetic” cancer biomarkers indicating the presence of disease. Their objective was to discover a more effective and patient-friendly method for the detection, monitoring and treatment of cancer versus today’s method of tissue biopsies, which are invasive, painful, time consuming, costly, and at times, inaccurate. Current methods of diagnosis can also be too late in the disease process. Recent advances in bioinformatics, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology and understanding of the genetic basis of cancer are revolutionizing personalized medicine.

Circulogene’s laboratory-developed test, operating under CLIA certification, implements stringent pre-analytical validation to ensure consistent quality data acquisition. Our liquid biopsy services leverage proven technology and provide a noninvasive and cost-effective solution for high-sensitivity detection across a variety of samples, including blood. Our unique finger-stick technology provides unprecedented information with an up-to-date clinical status in a more complete, accurate, timely, less expensive and less invasive fashion from a single drop of blood.

Cancer today continues to be a tremendous burden on America’s healthcare system. According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1,600 people die of cancer every day. Cancer touches everyone, and it is our team’s belief that people want actionable, personalized health information in a timely fashion.

Contact Circulogene Theranostics

3125 Independence Drive Suite 301 Birmingham, AL 35209

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