DefiniGEN Ltd.

DefiniGEN was founded in April 2012 to industrialize the OptiDIFF stem cell production platform developed at the University of Cambridge, UK.

DefiniGEN was founded in April 2012 to industrialize the OptiDIFF stem cell production platform developed at the University of Cambridge, UK.

The company has world-leading expertise in the area of iPSC production and metabolic disease modelling. The application of these technologies in drug discovery provides pharmaceutical companies with more predictive in vitro cell products enabling the development of safer and more effective treatments. In addition the technology platform utilises fully defined and humanized conditions required for the development of regenerative medicine cellular therapies.

DefiniGEN builds on intellectual property and knowledge resident at the University of Cambridge Regenerative Medicine Department at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and in addition has in-licensed the Yamanka induced pluripotent stem cell IP portfolio from iPS Academia Japan Inc.

Contact DefiniGEN Ltd.

DefiniGEN Ltd Babraham Research Campus Maia Building Babraham Cambridge CB22 3AT United Kingdom