European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry

The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) is an independent association founded in 1970. Free from any political convictions, it represents scientific organisations from 20 European countries and covers a geographical area, the size of the USA with a similar scientific population.

Its objective is to advance the science of medicinal chemistry by promoting cooperation and encouraging strong links between the national adhering organisations, in order to promote contacts and exchanges between medicinal chemists in Europe and around the World.

The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) is an independent association founded in 1970. Free from any political convictions, it represents scientific organisations from 20 European countries and covers a geographical area, the size of the USA with a similar scientific population.

Its objective is to advance the science of medicinal chemistry by promoting cooperation and encouraging strong links between the national adhering organisations, in order to promote contacts and exchanges between medicinal chemists in Europe and around the World.

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